
Radiology services close to you

Radiologikeskus tarjoaa radiologian palveluita omien toimipisteiden lisäksi palveluntarjoajan tiloissa sekä hyödyntämällä mammografiavaunua, joka kiertää Etelä – Suomen sopimus kunnissa. Löydä alta lähin toimipisteesi tai kurkkaa mobiilimammografian kiertueaikataulu ja varaa sinulle sopivin aika!


Helsinki Mammografiakeskus
Mikonkatu 8 A, 9th floor, 00100 Helsinki

• Mammografiaseulonnat
• Mammografiatutkimukset
• Ultraäänitutkimukset
• Stereotaktiset näytteenotot

For all X-rays requires a doctor's legal referral but you can come for an ultrasound examination without a referral. For an appointments you need to do a time booking.

So far the unit serves at an agreed time.

Ajanvarausnumero 044 414 4000 palvelee ma-pe klo 8-18.
Office number is 044 769 2622.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.


Keskuskatu 15, 11100 Riihimäki
(Entrance to the 2. floor of the stairwell next to the main entrance of the shopping centre)

• Mammografiaseulonnat
• Mammografiatutkimukset
• Ultraäänitutkimukset

For all X-rays requires a doctor's legal referral but you can come for an ultrasound examination without a referral. For an appointments you need to do a time booking.

The unit serves Mon-Wed at 8:30am-4pm, Thu at 12pm-8pm and Fri at 8:30am-2:30pm.
Check with the office for possible exception times.

Ajanvarausnumero  044 414 4000 palvelee ma-pe klo 8-18.
Office number is 040 659 3633.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.


Porrassalmenkatu 16 (1. krs.), 50100 Mikkeli
Toimimme Mehiläisen tiloissa.

• Mammografiaseulonnat
• Mammografiatutkimukset
• Ultraäänitutkimukset

Ajanvarausnumero 044 414 4000 pavelee ma-pe klo 8-18.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.

Note! No registration.


Rajakatu 3, 87100 Kajaani

• Röntgenkuvaukset
• Mammografiaseulonnat
• Mammografiatutkimukset
• Ultraäänitutkimukset

For all X-rays requires a doctor's legal referral but you can come for an ultrasound examination without a referral. For an appointments you need to do a time booking.

The unit serves Mon-Thu at 8am-4pm and Fri at 8am-2pm.

Ajanvarausnumero 044 974 9369 palvelee ma-to klo 8-15.30 ja pe 8-13.30.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.


Mobile Mammography unit – services close to you

Mobile Mammography unit is a touring screening solution that ensures the availability of services even in the more remote areas. In addition to mammography, the Mobile Mammography unit offers the possibility to make required clarification examinations by utilising an ultrasound.

Check estimated schedule mammography screening page.

Book an appointment by calling 044 414 4000 mon-fri 8am-6pm.
Office number is 045 873 5505.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.